To create a launcher for Doom ports that's easy to set up and use.
this will eventually be used for a bootable CD to be used for playing Doom
on a machine without installing any files
main screen shows
wads to be played
selectable options to be passed on the command line
network host to connect to, with a list of previously played servers
Doom version to play
skill level to play
map to warp to
Menubar has the following
save config
set the size of the game screen using sliders and a box that shows the
size selected compared to the original game's size
game paths
paths to IWADs (will com
path to doom port
base path to pwads
path to save game (floppy, loopback and dos filesystems)
Debug tkBoom (boolean, not in production version)
how to use the main tkBoom screen
where tkBoom looks for things
how to save the config
save locations
nfs mount
http with wget
local hard drive
scp from/to remote host
how to run external programs
Misc notes
user is prompted to save config before running Doom
each supported port of Doom will have it's non-standard options in a hash,
so the GUI can generate the correct controls for them at runtime
make a control building subroutine, so there's hashes of controls that
get passed to it, and it builds the main window from that
make a compatability page, and list what ports do what